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NAME: Jamahl Nevarth GENDER: Cisgender male AGE: Early 30's (adaptable) |
RACE: Half orc, half human BODYTYPE: Mesomorph, lean HEIGHT: 6'8 or about 205 cm |
HAIR: Dark brown, dreaded EYES: One golden, one whited out COMPLEXION: Greenish grey |
Jamahl is the product of a rather unusual relationship between an orc woman and a human man. He hasn't been told the exact details of how the two met or how their relationship came about, but he has never known them to be anything but grossly in love and devoted to each other. His father hails from a desert-dwelling human tribe, which is also where Jamahl grew up. From an early age he displayed magical talents, inherited from his father, and was tutored in the art of healing. While Jamahl enjoyed his studies and the relatively quiet life he lived with the tribe and his parents, he also had an urge for adventure. Eventually it led him to leave his tribe when he got the oportunity to join up with a band of adventurers. It seemed like a good idea at first, but he found out soon enough that not everyone in the company were the best people and ended up in some situations he is still not proud of to this day. Since then Jamahl has gone off on his own, sometimes staying with his tribe and sometimes traveling on his own. He still accepts employment as a guide for travelers or merchant caravans from time to time, but never works with people he knows to have bad intentions and never takes up offers that conflict with his moral code. His main interest remains with the art of restoration magic, however. |
Jamahl might look big and scary, but looks are known to be decieving. He is actually incredibly good-natured and friendly, greeting almost anyone he meets with unbiased kindness. He genuinly likes socialzing and meeting new people, although past experience has taught him to have a healthy amount of wariness when it comes to strangers. He is intelligent, inquisitive and ressourceful. Through his training in magic and healing he has learned an incredible amount of focus and patience, allowing him to keep his cool in most situations and making him very hard to distract. While he could be described as a free spirit of sorts, Jamahl also cares a lot about structure, code and rules. Whether he picked it up while training as a healer or during his time with the band of adventurers is anyone's guess, really, but it might have something to do with his very well-defined moral compass. He very rarely acts recklessly and doesn't appreciate it when others do so either, as he has often seen it put other people in danger. He has no respect for those that view themselves as better than or have no concern for others. Perhaps he has a bit of a saviour-complex, but he firmly believes that it is the duty of those capable to help those in need. |